Virtual business development & licensing event | Feb 17 – 21, 2025

Video Conference Call at Biotechgate Digital Partnering

Biotechgate Digital Partnering is designed to support the business development & licensing of Pharma, Biotech, Medtech and Digital Health companies. Join five days of virtual partnering and establish new global connections thanks to pre-arranged one-on-one Zoom meetings in our business forum.

Register now to take advantage of the platform and request meetings with our global community.


Biotechgate Digital Partnering is focusing on companies developing drugs, diagnostics and medical devices. The main objective of the event is to provide a platform for business development in the field of licensing and collaboration.

Below you find an overview of some of the over 7,500 delegates representing more than 6,500 participating companies that joined one or several editions of the past Biotechgate Digital Partnering events. Representatives of 14 out of the top 20 big pharma companies were attending, 45% of the participants were Biotech companies. We had participants from over 60 countries with a majority being business development (40%) or CEOs (30%). There were over 10,000 meetings scheduled.


Biotechgate Digital Partnering offers you a complete conference program as a virtual experience, including virtual one-on-one meetings, Pop-up Coffee sessions as well as workshops and presentations.

Digital Partnering

The scheduling of individual one-on-one meetings is provided by our premium partnering and matchmaking platform HelloPartnering.

  • 5 days of Digital Partnering: Contact and arrange meetings with representatives of leading companies active in the Biotech and Pharma industry. See who is attending »
  • Attend your pre-scheduled meetings via Zoom video calls. Learn more about the partnering »
  • Privacy is guaranteed: Every virtual meeting takes place in its own, secure virtual room.


Biotechgate Digital Partnering


Biotechgate Digital Partnering - Agenda and Messenger
Pop-up Coffee Sessions

What is the key part missing at virtual conferences? Random meetings at a social event and coffee breaks! During Biotechgate Digital Partnering, we replicate these spontaneous conversations and a chance to meet new people informally. Our coffee break and networking providers are the #Coffeebuddies, with host Prof. Tony Sedgwick, supported by the Producer Graham Combe.

  • Simple participation via Zoom link provided
  • Short topic discussion
  • Breaking into subgroups and changing different subgroups (moderated)
  • Different time slots for the individual sessions to accommodate all time-zones


Workshops and Presentations

A variety of live workshops and presentations will be provided during Biotechgate Digital Partnering. Participation is free of charge for all attendees. You can register with one click on the agenda page, where a link to the virtual presentation will be provided.



Biotechgate Digital Partnering - Agenda and Messenger




Biotechgate Digital Partnering - Agenda and Messenger


The centerpiece of this conference series are the one-on-one partnering meetings, which make business development extremely efficient. Thanks to participants from all over the world, you can establish contact with the right people and have the virtual meetings arranged by the system.

Our Digital Partnering series is running on the HelloPartnering matchmaking platform. An easy, manageable agenda page that allows you to define your availability in your time zone.

  • Publish your profile and define your interests
  • Find the right attendees by using relevant search filters
  • Use the built in messenger to contact other delegates
  • Attend your pre-scheduled one-on-one meetings via Zoom calls
Privacy at the meeting

We provide a unique session key for each video call meeting. This guarantees that your confidential conversations will not be disturbed by others who may have a meeting after you.

Free registration

To support the business development in the Biotech, Medtech and Pharma industry, we are making this partnering event available for free to companies interested in participating. As a member company of any of our Biotechgate partners, you get free Premium Access to Biotechgate Digital Partnering. If you are not a member of any of our partners, you still get free access with some limitations and a possibility to upgrade.

More details about the partnering are available in the FAQ and Registration sections further down on this page.



The BIOTECHGATE DIGITAL PARTNERING event series was started in spring 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We offer companies the possibility to conduct their business development and interact with partners, clients, licensees / licensors and suppliers in a secure, online environment. This offer is for anybody working in business development and licensing in life sciences including biotech, medtech, pharma, diagnostics, healthtech, suppliers, consulting, and not-for-profit organizations.

Participation is free of charge. As a member company of any of our Biotechgate partners, you get free premium access to Biotechgate Digital Partnering. If you are not a member of any of our partners, you can still register for free with the option to upgrade anytime.


17 – 21 Feb 2025

Biotechgate Digital Partnering August 2025

Aug 25 – 29, 2025
Registration starts in March 2025

Biotechgate Digital Partnering December 2025

Dec 1 – 5, 2025
Registration starts in September 2025



  Basic Premium Access Premium Access & Marketing Package
5 days / 120 hours of partnering
Unique / individual videoconference link for each meeting
Full company and delegate profile (incl. profile import from Biotechgate)
Search for companies, delegates and what others are looking for
Search what others are looking for
Search for assets, financing rounds and management  
Excel download of profiles, messages & schedule
see details »
Number of meetings (per company) Max. 5 meetings Unlimited Unlimited
Access to partnering after conference 3 days At least 6 months At least 6 months
Premium support (phone & email)  
Upload and share your recorded company presentations and slides    
Have your logo featured on the dashboard with a link to your presentations    
Fee per company with 1 delegate1 Free
Register now
USD 299
Register now
USD 598
Register now
Biotech Therapeutic Start-ups2     Free
SME package (incl. 4 participants)3   USD 790 USD 989
Corporate package (incl. 10 participants)3   USD 1,790 USD 1,989
1 Additional delegates can be added with BASIC or PREMIUM package.
2 Qualifying Biotech therapeutic start-up companies only (founded 2021 or after with own drug development); You will be registered for the BASIC access and will be upgraded if you qualify (please contact us if you are not automatically upgraded after two business days).
3 Interested in premium access? Please contact us »
Prices refer to an upgrade for one conference. Payment is possible online with credit card (Mastercard or Visa). Please contact us if you want to pay by bank transfer.

Please use the registration form on the next page to register for free for the Biotechgate Digital Partnering. The registration is free of charge. The option to upgrade to any subscription package is possible anytime after registration. Members of our partners or biotech, medtech, pharma, healthtech and not-for profit companies located in our partners' clusters can get a free upgrade to premium.



Why is the Biotechgate digital partnering free?
We want to support Life Science companies in the current COVID-19 crisis. Also, with our global Biotechgate partners, our business development Biotechgate database and our own HelloPartnering software, we at Venture Valuation are in a unique position to offer this service.
Can I do unlimited number of meetings?    
With the free basic access, you can hold 5 free meetings over the entire duration of the conference. If you and/or your organisation would like more meetings and meeting requests, you can upgrade to «Premium Access» (see Pricing & Registration for more information). If you are a member of a Biotechgate partner or a Biotechgate subscriber, you will get the premium partnering for free.
Who will participate?
We offer the premium partnering for free to all subscribers of Biotechgate and Biotechgate partner members (over 4,000 ). We offer our digital partnering to all life sciences companies and their business development and key management people. We expect again over 1,000 participants.
Who are the key target companies?
The free Biotechgate digital partnering is specifically targeted to start-up companies, small, early stage and innovative companies looking for partners, clients and licensees. The main focus is on the members of our partners, the Biotechgate subscribers, but also companies featured in Biotechgate.
Will this replace any face to face meetings?
No, we believe that face to face meetings and partnering events will still be very important in the future. We want to provide a solution for the time being when travel bans are still active and international meetings are not possible. We encourage you to continue visiting face to face business development meetings in the future.
The meeting is intended for business development for innovative biotechs, medtechs, healthtechs and pharma - how come I am getting more requests from service providers and very little from pharma?
We expect to have over 100 Pharma companies registered (15 of the top 20 Pharma companies) and even more companies actively looking for in-licensing opportunities. However, you will have to reach out to them, request a meeting and make sure they understand what you have to offer. It is important that your profile is up-to-date and you have an opportunity that is of interest to the other party. Service providers are also doing business development and are reaching out to companies potentially interested in their services.
When will the partnering happen and what are key dates?
The virtual meetings will take place during the entire duration of the conference. Registration usually opens three months before the conference.
How will the virtual meetings work?
Meetings will be held from midnight of the first day of the conference until midnight of the last day (UK time). You can define your personal availability and time zone on the agenda page. HelloPartnering will then select a time where all involved parties are available. You cannot pick a specific time/date yourself.
How can I define or change my time zone?
You can edit your time zone in your personal profile. Click on your name in the upper right corner and select "Personal profile". The time zone can be edited in the section "Address".
Once the search and meeting request sections have been enabled, you can also edit the time zone on the "Agenda" page. On the left side you can see a column "Your local time" with the suggested time zone for your system. Click on the displayed time zone to confirm or edit your time zone settings.
How will I "e-meet" with the other party?    
Once both parties have agreed to meet and the meeting is schedule by the software, we provide both parties a link to our virtual meeting tool. For most meetings this will be Zoom for which we have purchased licenses for these meetings. If you cannot use Zoom, please let us know, as we can provide an alternative solution. When you click on the link at the arranged time, you will be automatically connected with your meeting partner.
What are the software requirements for the meetings?
We use Zoom to connect the two parties. Zoom is available on almost any platform including tablets and smart phones. Once you click on the provided meeting link, you will be asked to use the Zoom app or download the app if you haven't got it installed yet. For a few meetings for participants which cannot use Zoom, we may use a browser based video conferencing tool for which we recommend to use Firefox (click here for free download).
How can I test Zoom and know that it works?
You can do a test ahead of time here, which also allows you to download the new app:
Any additional help regarding Zoom can be found here:
Is Zoom safe to use?
We have purchased the licenses for Zoom for all your meetings, so this is not a free license. We provide a unique link for each of your Zoom meetings, which increase the security. Also, Zoom has recently upgraded their app (version 5.0) which you can download here:
The new version now features GCM Encryption, so we encourage to use the newest version.
Why has my accepted meeting not been scheduled / why does it say "no mutual availability"?
If an accepted meeting changes status from "accepted" to "no mutual availability" it means the system could not find a mutually available timeslot in the agendas of both parties. If this happens we encourage both parties to free up more timeslots in their agendas; the system will then try to schedule it in the next scheduling round. If you cannot open any more slots, you also have the option to contact the other party using the system's messenger function and kindly ask them to check their schedule and free up more slots if possible.
Do I receive a notification if a new meeting has been scheduled or a meeting request has arrived in my inbox?    
To edit your notification settings, click on your name in the upper right corner and select "Notification preferences". In this section you can define if you want to receive an email immediately or on a daily basis if you received a new message, a new request, a cancellation or if a meeting has been scheduled or re-scheduled. If you do not receive any notification emails, please check if the notification feature is enabled for your account. Please also check your spam filter and add the domain "" to the whitelist of your email provider.
How can I upgrade my account?    
Please register for free (see next paragraph). After the registration has been completed, log in to your Digital Partnering account. You find a button "Upgrade now" on the lower right side. Just click on it and follow the instructions on the screen.
How can I register?
Just click here to register and follow the instructions on the next page. Registration is free of charge. You can upgrade anytime after your registration has been completed.

Contact us

If you have any questions, please give us a call or fill out our contact form. We will respond to you shortly.

You can also find the answers to the most often asked questions in our FAQ section.

Biotechgate Digital Partnering
by Venture Valuation AG Switzerland (HQ)

Kasernenstrasse 11
8004 Zurich, Switzerland

+41 44 500 38 44

(9am − 5pm CET)

Contact address

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Biotechgate Digital Partnering

Biotechgate Digital Partnering is offered by Venture Valuation VV Inc, Switzerland, who also owns the business development database Biotechgate and HelloPartnering. The free partnering is designed to support the business development in the life sciences industry, especially for startups and small, innovative companies.

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